
Description 4-CPRC Appearing as a new research chemical on the market, 4-CPRC was included into the drugs of cathinone class. 4-CPRC is similar to amphetamines. Its effects could be compared to Methcathinone. 4-CPRC releases dopamine and acts directly on nervous system. In our shop you can purchase powder and crystals. There is no proper information […]


4-CPRC Appearing as a new research chemical on the market, 4-CPRC was included into the drugs of cathinone class. 4-CPRC is similar to amphetamines. Its effects could be compared to Methcathinone. 4-CPRC releases dopamine and acts directly on nervous system.

In our shop you can purchase powder and crystals. There is no proper information about trip reportsresearch chemical requires further studies.

In order to achieve desirable experience it is necessary to choose it dose correctly. When the dosage is accurate, you’ll reach mild euphoria, which will last for a few hours.

4-CPRC drug is a substituted form of popular research chemical a-PVP. It acts like a serotonin releaser and experience include euphoric feelings and stimulation. To observe how it acts as NDRI you can conduct drug test using sample order

4-CPRC for sale is not intended for human consumption. It should be used in laboratory conditions by experienced laboratory workers and researchers. Use for forensic purposes only.

4-CPRC online is available as a perfect analogue for scheduled designer drugs like a-PVP. Because of the fact that a-PVP is illegal in most countries, Chinese manufacturers synthesize products, which act similarly and have analogous biochemical activity and pharmacological properties.

According to controlled substance laws, most of amphetamines are included into the list of scheduled drugs. More information you can get on rcchemicals and rc net chemicals. Instead of them researchers could use substances from legal synthetic drugs list. We describe what are research chemicals USA legit and provide research chemicals for sale online as well as many other synthetic bath salts. If you want to buy top-quality US research chemicals, It’s a perfect place where can I get bath salts as we take care of research chemical supply and can guarantee the quality of products.

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50 grams, 100 grams, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams